How to Navigate Uncertain Times


So here we are, in the midst of a global pandemic. We’re all doing a balancing act on that narrow line between sensible caution and panic.

As of today, it seems that we’re navigating in the unknown, uncertain times that cause discomfort to say the least. In a month or so, we will know more, have a better idea of what to expect. For now, in the present moment, everything is a question mark.

I’m not qualified to give you advice on the topic, so I won’t. I do encourage you to be aware and stay informed using reliable sources, like CDC and WHO.

From an awareness perspective, and from someone who is teaching “powerful, positive change” this place that we’re currently in, is the Awakening part of my coaching process, the 4 A’s.

The pandemic is the catalytic event for change. Collectively, we’re awakened, or initiated, to a large-scale change. What has been familiar, habitual and norm up until now is no longer. We cannot afford to remain ignorant or asleep.

The skills we need now, in the uncertainty are simply: stay still, gather information, be alert, do self care & be open to learning. If you find yourself freaking out, remember to breathe and stay present. Practice mindfulness, awareness and call on your inner strength. Sit in the discomfort when you don’t know what to do. It’s OK. This too shall pass.

Now is the time to stock up, socially distance yourself, make smart, educated decisions and remain calm. We can look to nature for advice on resilience and overcoming adverse, difficult times. Nature is our best teacher on how to navigate uncertain times and change. It shows us that there’s time to go dormant, to shut down and be still. It’s innate nature is to bloom again.

My invitation for us all is to grow again with more purpose, intentionality and awareness. Perhaps this is our re-set button?

I’m here, in your corner- as my partner likes to say. May you find that sentiment as reassuring as I do. 

To Powerful, Positive Change…Cheers!



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