The Power to Change: How to Lead in 2021 with NLP’s Wellformed Outcome Model.


No doubt, this has felt like an incredibly long year in many ways…Yet, here we are! The final month of 2020. How do you feel about that? Only a few weeks left of an unusual year to say the least.

Question: Think about how will you lead differently in 2021? That’s what I asked myself, and now I’m asking you.

Imagine changing how you lead in one area of your life (at home, at work, your lifestyle, your team, etc. and pick one thing.) This is an NLP tool, y’all. It works! Play with me…Next: 

  • What do you imagine it’ll be like when you make this change, to lead differently?

  • What are the inner resources you need to tap into to facilitate this change?

  • When you make this change, how will it impact others & other areas of your life?

  • When you make this change, how are you thinking differently?

While working on my vision for 2021, both personally and as a business, I’m using a few of my NLP tools. The one above is a solution based frame. If you noticed, the assumption is that I will create change and I do have the inner resources. That’s how I program my subconscious for success. 

I believe it’s important to have a desired outcome to move towards, like a GPS. Even more so than a goal….Here’s the difference between the two:

A goal is very specific, measurable in the sense it can be touched and is generally linear. An outcome is higher level, multi dimensional and usually includes multiple small goals.

“It’s not what you know, not even who you know, it’s how you know.” -Steven Leeds

The NLP ‘Well-Formed Outcome Model’ goes beyond mere “goal setting” into the actual “programming” of our minds to drive us toward a desired goal. We can program our subconscious mind with intention and awareness. Old habits and patterns are the unconscious, unaware things we repeatedly do without thinking.

The NLP Model provides the following key components that enable you to effectively identify your desired outcome. Here are the steps in the process:

  1. Stating the goal in positive terms. What you focus on grows.

  2. Specify the goal in sensory-based terms. State it in visual, auditory, and kinesthetic terms. Ask: What will I see, hear and feel when I achieve the outcome?

  3. Specify the goal in a way that you find compelling. Compelling goals are more motivating. Be clear on what personally motivates you.

  4. Well formed outcomes are ecological. Do a Quality Control check on the goal to ensure balance in all areas of your life, work life, community. Our outcomes may affect other people. Does it fit with who we are as a person, how we see ourselves?

  5. Ensure the goal can be self-initiated and maintained. Well formed outcomes must be what you want rather than what other people want. An outcome that involves pleasing other people is difficult to maintain. It is also indirect.

  6. State the context of the goal. Ask: When, where and with whom do I want this outcome? Well formed outcomes are situation specific. Failing to set a boundary can result in over generalization.

  7. State the resources needed to achieve the goal. Sometimes we don’t get our outcomes because we don’t have the resources we need. Ask: What are the important sub goals I need to obtain first? Do I require outside help?

  8. Evidence procedure. Ask: How will I know when I have achieved the outcome? What will I see, hear & feel? Everyone’s evidence will be different.

I invite you to contemplate and work through the steps with intention and with a desired outcome clearly in mind. I love to use a white board or large sketch pads handy. Start writing down mental states you’d like to experience, feel and practice in the new year.

This exercise works for personal goals as well as if you’re leading a team. If you’re interested in a printable pdf copy, download it here

Check out my offerings to help you grow personally & professionally in 2021 by clicking here.

To Powerful, Positive Change…Cheers!


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