How thoughts, emotions and behaviors are connected.



One year later…So many things have changed since March 2020 and the lockdown.

When you spent time reflecting, what stands out the most from this past year? Multiple things, I can imagine.

If you’re curious to know, the main 3 things that clients wanted to work through during the pandemic were:

  • Communication

  • Mindset

  • Emotional well-being (especially dealing with anxiety & uncertainty)

Here’s the thing: they’re all connected. Did you know, how you communicate influences your mental and emotional well-being? If you’re someone who worries a lot for example, your thoughts will impact your behaviors and actions, which will affect how you feel. And vice versa.

What you can do: pay attention and become aware of how you speak to yourself. Notice your inner dialogue. When I’m working with clients, I listen for how they speak about themselves, the inner narrative. It can be very revealing! Then notice your behaviors and emotions. See if you can make the connection in your world.

Some examples I hear: “I talk too much. I’m not good at xyz. I can’t do abc. I don’t know. What’s wrong with me?” Those thoughts often lead to feeling helpless, frustrated, anxious etc which keeps them stuck in a pattern of behaviors. Or, another example: because of a current behavior (an addiction for example), the client feel a certain way (usually guilt and shame) which affects their thoughts about themselves and the situation. Which gets them in a pattern cycle…Make sense?

Self reflection:

  • Are you someone who could benefit from becoming a more effective, confident communicator?

  • Do you struggle with how to say what’s on your mind?

  • Is it difficult for you to ask for what you need, set boundaries and say no?

  • Do you need to refresh your style of communication with new tools and a fresh perspective?

If so…my next 8 week group coaching sessions starts April 7. The Confident Communicator course meets weekly on zoom and we tackle all things communication! Learn how language influences your outcomes. Practice new ways to think about communication. Gain new NLP communication tools and techniques.

My invitation is to pay attention and become aware of your thoughts. What you focus on will grow.

To Powerful, Positive Change….Cheers!


Learning to embrace and grow from change.


Learning to Cope with and deal with Anxiety.