Anxiety & Excitement: the same thing or different?
Question: What are you excited about in life right now?
Spend a moment to think about it…Now answer this other question: What are you anxious about?
Which question was easier to answer? Chances are for most it’s easier to list things we’re anxious about. You may wonder why that is? (Besides the negativity bias, which I’ve blogged about before. Read it again here)
They’re very similar emotions. Anxiety and excitement are both aroused emotions. Physiologically, the two are almost identical. You know the feeling: elevated heart rate, stomach butterflies, sweaty palms, and nervousness. They're all symptoms that result from the arousal of the nervous system.
In other words, they're “arousal congruent.” The only difference is that excitement is a positive emotion‚ focused on all the ways something could go well. So, it has something to do with mindset, perception and expectation.
Right now, as the world keeps changing at a rapid speed, there may be a lot of things you are excited and/or anxious about. Re-entry, potentially going back to our work places, socializing…all those things can be on either side of the same coin.
Personally, I can relate: I’m heading home to my family for an extended stay which is exciting and I’m headed home for an extended stay…which also causes me to feel anxious. I’m feeling both at the same time, making me extra fidgety and restless.There’s a surge of energy running through me which I’ve learned to work with and regulate (for the most part).
Can you relate to any of this? How do you deal with aroused emotions? Here’s a few suggestions to consider:
Breathe: A few slow, deep breaths will help regulate your nervous system
Connect: Put your hand on your heart to reduce your stress. Research indicates that physical touch releases oxytocin, provides a sense of security, soothes distressing emotions, and calms cardiovascular stress.
5-4-3-2-1 Senses Coping Technique helps you shift your focus Read more here
Move your body! Go for a walk/ run or hit the gym or dance! Movement helps shift the energy from anxiety to excitement.
Let me know your thoughts and/ or techniques, I love to hear from you.
As mentioned, I’ll be heading home (Sweden) at the end of the month. I’ll be paying attention to what powerful, positive change I notice within my family dynamics and write about my experience of “living” in my hometown for a longer stay after 30+ years as an expat.
To Powerful, Positive Change…Cheers!