From Daddy’s Little Girl to Rebellious Teenager to Responsible Adult.

With my dad & mom on my 3rd birthday. Did I mention I was a strong willed child..?

With my dad & mom on my 3rd birthday. Did I mention I was a strong willed child..?

Sunday was Father’s Day and I was contemplating the very complex relationship I’ve had (still do) with my dad.

As my dad was recently diagnosed with a health issue, we face yet a new phase in our relationship.

Going from daddy’s little girl to a rebellious teenager to his adult daughter has been a roller coaster ride to say the least. A beautiful, yet sometimes painful ride.

I believe my life‘s work is about relationships: with myself and with others. That’s also the majority of the work I do with clients. We often teach what we need to learn…

You see, at a very young age, I made decisions about love, relationships, roles and my place. Some of those decisions were fear-based interpretations; a young child’s perception and understanding of the world.

Since then, I have done enormous amount of work on myself to find inner peace and freedom; not to be shackled by old limited beliefs that no longer serve me in my life. Lots of “Space and Grace” for myself has helped me grow beyond those limitations.

Self awareness work has been key to my inner peace & freedom. Learning to embrace all emotions from love to rage to acceptance and back to love again- plus everything in between-has been a healing process. I lived in “the angry, rebellious teenager” place for a long time. While it served me well in many ways, it hurt in numerous others. When my kids were impacted, I needed to change…It was time to grow up and become a responsible Adult (Art of Adulting)

Now, I’m preparing to go home to Sweden for an extended period to care for dad. Caring for an aging parent and shifting caregiving roles is a whole other phase we’re just now entering. While it’s all unfolding and we’re learning more about his conditions, I hope we all continue to heal beyond the diagnosis. It feels bigger than that.

To Powerful, Positive Change…Cheers!


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