The Power of Words


"Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder."


Words are powerful. Words create worlds. Words are symbols that we give meaning to.

Their meaning crystallizes perceptions that shape our beliefs, drive our behavior, and ultimately, create our world. Their power arises from our emotional responses when we read, speak, or hear them.

Words affect the way we think. If we understood the power of our thoughts, we might guard them more closely. Spoken, written, or simply the words we use in our minds have the power and energy to heal, to harm, to hinder, to help, to humiliate, to humble…

Words affect the way we think. Spoken, written, or simply the words we use in our minds have the power and energy to heal, to harm, to hinder, to help, to humiliate, to humble… If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. Words create worlds.

I invite you to spend some time and listen to the messages we currently hear on the news, on social media and in our communities. Then, consider how those messages resonate and affect how you feel, behave and what you believe. Words create worlds; both the inner and outer landscapes we inhabit.

Next, begin to notice how many times a day you’re careless with words. We say mindless things like, “I hate my hips,” “I’m so stupid,” “You’re such a klutz.” We may not think that these words bring negative energy into our vibration and affect us on a physical level, but they do. Words create worlds.

If you want to create powerful, positive change in your life…mind your words, as they are the paint with which you paint your reality. Your words create your world.

Here’s how you can become more aware of your inner and outer dialogue:

  • Be impeccable with your words: choose the words you speak consciously…How can you be more mindful with yourself & others? (Read The 4 Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, again if you have)

  • Listen, pause & practice improved self-awareness over the words that you use to describe yourself, others and life. When can you complain, explain and excuse less?

  • Avoid powerless words such as ‘I can’t, I should/ shouldn’t, I don’t and I try.’ Replace with intentional and action words.

  • Make positive statements of what you DO want as opposed to what you DON’T want. Negation does not exist in the primary experience of sights, sounds and feelings.

Ancient scriptures tell us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. The power of words in our world is undeniable. Some of the power comes from the words themselves, and some comes from the emotion and intensity in which we use them. Our linguistic ability can set us on a trajectory to achieve great success or to remain disappointed with our lives.

If you’re ready for more control and agency in your life, start with a greater understanding of the potential power in what you say to yourself and others. Words create worlds.

To Powerful, Positive Change…Cheers.



The Ultimate Guide to Master Your Emotions


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