Embracing the Blues: The Power of Self-Reflection

Question: What do you do when you’re in the dumps? You know, when you’re feeling low, down, in a funk?

We’ve all been there—those days when everything feels overwhelming, anxiety’s over the top and it’s hard to find a silver lining. Being in the dumps is something we all experience at some point, for various reasons, and it’s important to remember that you’re not alone in this. It’s part of the human experience. And what I’m reflecting on here is the blues—not clinical depression, which often requires medical treatment.

Knowing what to Do vs. understanding Why

Here’s the thing: Most people intellectually know what we’re supposed to do: exercise, eat clean, connect with loved ones, meditate, spend time outdoors etc. Not necessarily what we actually do…Would you agree? My invitation here today is to look deeper at your behaviors and self-talk during these low moments. Why, you might ask? Because: The Power of Self Reflection.

The Importance of Self- Reflection

Self-reflection allows us to contemplate and understand our feelings, behaviors and thoughts, which in turn elevates our self-awareness, ability to self-regulate and improves our emotional intelligence. Can you imagine how your relationships, both personal and professional, and your overall well-being might improve as a result? The impact of self-reflection is immense. Our emotions are messengers. You are feeling blue for a reason. Listen, observe, learn and apply. That’s how we grow.

How to incorporate Self-reflection during Low moments

  1. Acknowledge your Feelings: Sit with your emotions without judgment. Recognize it’s okay to feel low and it’s part of the human experience.

  2. Ask yourself Questions: Are there specific events/ thoughts triggering your low mood? Understanding the root causes can provide valuable insights.

  3. Observe your Self-Talk: Pay attention to your internal dialogue during these moments. Are you compassionate or critical? Transforming negative self-talk into supportive, kind dialogue makes significant difference.

  4. Identify Patterns: Look for patterns in your behavior and thoughts when you’re feeling down. What are the recurring themes? Identifying patterns will help you address underlying beliefs about yourself, others and the world.

  5. Consider Your Needs: Consider what your body and mind might be asking for. Sometime feeling low is a signal that you need rest, self-care or a change in routine. Listening to your these needs can be incredibly healing.

By engaging in self-reflection you’ll gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your emotions, which empowers you to respond to challenges with more resilience and insight. As the saying goes:”Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

Here’s my invitation: Spend 10 minutes each day this week and sit quietly and reflect on your recent emotions and behaviors. Consider writing down your thoughts in a journal. What patterns do you notice? How can you respond to those feelings with more compassion and understanding? Share your discoveries with a friend, partner or… me! I love hearing from you. To Powerful, Positive Change…Cheers!



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