Year End Reflection Questions


Question: Do you practice a ritual or Year End reflection?

Every December I like to pause and reflect on the past year. This is a simple practice that allows me to pay attention to important things that I would probably miss otherwise. I carve out some focused time, and sit with a journal, pen, and some questions. 

Personally, 2021 was a year full of surprises and a mixed bag of experiences. My word for the year was actually two words: expansion and focus. How did that play out, you ask? Well, I’ll share a few thoughts with you.

Even though my business grew (expansion) it’s my personal experiences that blew me away…I couldn’t have planned a 3 month stay in Sweden or dealing with cancer in my family. The visit affected me on many levels.

It required a lot of focus to “be in two places” while overseas —physically, culturally, emotionally, financially…not to mention keeping my brain straight communicating in different languages! It took concentrated effort & lots of awareness to manage (all of it).

Overall, 2021 was a very rich year in all my relationships; with friends, family, my love, business and clients (and self!). Not all butterflies and rainbows, not at all. Loss, heartache and grief were part of my year. As were disappointments and upset. And joy, forgiveness, understanding…acceptance.

What I remember most was the realization that underneath the noise and static; underneath the distractions and busy-ness is one thing we all want, seek, desire and yearn for. It’s the same one thing we’re afraid of, mistrust and push away: Love. And what we hunger for is Love with a Capital L: heart centered, real and authentic. Not the love with the small l: fear based, attached and conditional.

In the end, all that matters is how well we lived anyhow well we loved. I clearly see the difference now between Love with a Capital L and love with a small l. I’m excited to explore the topic in 2022. Want to join the program? Let’s go! We can dive deeper together. 

Now, I invite you to consider your own end of the year reflection. You’re welcome to use the reflection questions below. Or of course you can decide on your own version.

End of Year Reflection Questions:

  1. Pick three words to describe this year.

  2. What did I love about this year?

  3. What was challenging about this year?

  4. How did I grow or change in the past year?

  5. What moments were most memorable this year?

  6. What am I grateful for this year?

  7. Who am I grateful for this year?

  8. What did I learn this year?

  9. What new things did I try this year?

  10. What were significant discoveries this year?

  11. Name the year. 2021 the year of…

  12. What am I looking forward to this coming year?

To Powerful, Positive Change…Cheers!


It’s never too late for a Childhood, Healing or Powerful, Positive Change.


Know thyself: Understanding your family patterns, programming and beliefs.