The Power of Wintering: Lessons from Slowing Down


Question: Have you heard of ‘wintering”?

In nature, winter is a time to rest and renewal. The trees shed their leaves, conserving energy for the burst of growth that comes in spring. Animals hibernate, slowing down to survive and thrive in the coming seasons. Yet, as humans, we often resist this natural rhythm, pushing ourselves to keep going at full speed.

What if, instead, we embraced wintering as an essential part of our personal and professional growth? Just like nature, we too need time to pause, reflect, and prepare for what’s ahead. Now, I believe it’s vital for our growth.

Personally, I’ve found myself in that still, quiet resting place, and while it’s been uncomfortable at times, it has been profoundly beneficial. The discomfort comes from the “inner doer voice” prompting me to “work more on my business, do more, push through…more, more, more!”

But leaning into this quieter season (and trusting my mantra that life IS in my favor!) has shown me the value of rest—not as a failure to act, but as a powerful form of preparation. As leaders, we too can learn to embrace the lessons of wintering and discover its transformative power. (Pay attention to your own and your team’s energy level…)

Here are 4 benefits of wintering:

  • Nurturing Self-Awareness. In the quiet, you have the chance to reconnect with your inner voice, gaining greater awareness of your motivations, fears, and desires. This also builds your emotional resilience when sitting in the discomfort (patience, strength & perseverance)

  • Clarity Through Reflection. Wintering gives you the space to step back and evaluate where you are, where you want to go. Reflection sharpens decision-making and ensures your actions align with your values.

  • Restoring Energy for Growth. Just as nature uses winter to replenish, you can use periods of rest to restore creativity and energy, Pushing through exhaustion only leads to burnout. Stepping back helps create space for visioning and focus on the bigger picture.

How is your wintering process going? I’d love to hear from you! And—if you’d like to explore how wintering and other tools can transform your personal or leadership journey, please check out my upcoming programs listed below.

On February 4 at 9:30 you’re welcome to join my free zoom call to discuss self-awareness in leadership. Link here -save to your calendar and join me for a free class.


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