Discovering Your Inner Mother: The Path to Healing

My Beautiful Mother Marija

Greetings from Adela!

Question: What if your deepest healing is connected to your mother (wound)?

As many of you know, my dad was diagnosed with cancer in 2020 and has been on a road to recovery and healing since. Thankfully, all is well and he’s OK.

What I haven’t shared with many people is that my mother was also diagnosed with colon cancer last year. I was with her when she got the news and let me tell you, friend: my world collapsed. For some reason, I could ‘handle’ my dad being sick, but my mom…that devastated me on a whole other (existential) level.

After experiencing an emotional meltdown, I—in true Gestalt fashion— took a deep dive into “The Mother” relationship; our first experience of intimate connection with other humans. In short: it’s complex.

For those who don’t know my mother, let me describe her in 3 words: Powerful, Positive, Wise. Everyone who meets my mom falls in love. She’s been an absolute powerhouse going through chemo, surgery and healing. Her positivity and outlook has provided so many powerful life lessons and I’m in awe of her inner wisdom.

Growing up, I didn’t see my mom that way though. My 3 descriptive words for her would have been quite different…Which is why I have been on a DEEP DIVE into healing the mother wound, my own and, hopefully, my discoveries can help you with yours.

To start, I am offering a women’s retreat May 31-June 2nd in Blue Ridge, GA to kick off a journey to heal our mother wounds. Here’s why I’m doing it and how it can benefit you:

Because the relationship with our mothers forms the foundation of our emotional landscape, it shapes how we view ourselves, relate to others, and navigate the world. The mother wound, stemming from unmet needs, unresolved conflicts, or generational patterns, can manifest in various ways, influencing our sense of worthiness, self-love, and ability to establish healthy boundaries. By exploring and healing this primal wound, we open doors to profound transformation, self-liberation and standing in our own power.

That’s what we will explore together. Are you in? Click here to learn more. Spots are limited and only a few remain.

If you’re unable to join me this time, but would like to join us on the healing journey, let me know. I’m offering a summer program that is specific to this topic. Here’s another question to contemplate if you’d be a good fit for the program: What pattern in your life today reflect unresolved aspects of your relationship with your mother? Let me know how you do! I love hearing from you.

Intentions & Reflections

“Adela helped me during my darkest hours, when I felt hopeless and alone. Her compassion and support helped me find strengths within myself I didn’t know existed. Her belief in me became my guiding light until I could carry it for myself.”

– Jennifer


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