4 Life Lessons from the Pickle-ball Court:Insights from an Awareness Coach
Here I am with Coach Ruth-aka Coach Bam Bam
Yesterday, I played pickle-ball for the first time. Honestly, I second guessed my decision to join a beginner’s group as I bundled up to play outdoors in 30:ish degree weather…But I was committed and I was curious: what’s the big deal with pickle ball?
Also, it’s a healthy ego-check for me to be part of group where I’m not the leader, “expert” or in charge in any way—in other words, out of my comfort zone. In short, I had fun! However, much to my daughter’s chagrin…Everything IS a life lesson and it’s my life’s purpose to bring awareness and create meaning to all my experiences.
With my Awareness hat on, I took note of these 4 Life Lessons I learned from playing Pickle-Ball for the first time:
Embracing a Beginner's Mind: We often encounter new challenges and experiences where we are beginners. By approaching a situation with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to learn, we unlock new opportunities for growth and discovery. TIP: be willing to be clueless.
Adaptability is Key: Pickle-ball (LIFE) is a game that requires constant adaptation. Whether it's adjusting a stance, refining a technique, or anticipating the opponent's moves, flexibility is essential for success on the court. Similarly, in life, being adaptable allows us to navigate unexpected twists and turns with grace and resilience. TIP: be willing to be coached.
Persistence Pays Off: As I fumbled through my first serves and missed as many shots as I made, I realized that improvement in pickle-ball, like many things in life, comes with practice and persistence. Embracing setbacks as opportunities for growth and staying committed to the process can lead to progress over time. TIP: willingness to fail=valuable information gained.
Mindfulness in Action: Pickle-ball demands a high level of focus and awareness of your self, others and your surroundings. Whether it's tracking the ball or staying attuned to your opponent's movements, the game encourages a state of mindfulness in action. TIP: mindfulness practice =clear, intentional choices.
It’s too soon to claim this sport is “my thing." However, I am enjoying the process and can confirm that life is better when we adopt a growth mindset and allow new experiences to teach us. Tell me, what fun, new things are you learning? I love hearing from you!